Begonia Rex Bewitched™

Red/Black Red/Black White White Wintergreen Wintergreen Series: Begonia Rex Dibs™ & Bewitched® Recommended Containers: 6” to 12” pots and mixed patio containers Begonia Rex Dibs™ boast high vigor and quick crops times compared to all other Begonia Rex lines. This...

Begonia Rex Dibs

Butterscotch Cherry Mint Rothko Strawberry Chocolate Strawberry Chocolate Tuxedo Series: Begonia Rex Dibs™ & Bewitched® Recommended Containers: 6” to 12” pots and mixed patio containers Begonia Rex Dibs™ boast high vigor and quick crops times compared to all other...

Streptocarpus Ladyslippers®

Blue White Center Deep Blue Vein Grape Ice Scarlet Strawberry Ice White Ice Yellow Blue Eye Yellow Pink Cap Blue Ice Red Bicolor Streptocarpus Cultural Worksheet Streptocarpus ‘Ladyslippers™’ – Vegetative Liners from Tissue Culture Production Seasons: Rooted...

Echeveria Coral Reef®

Aqua Chocolate Red Red Aqua Series: Echeveria prunina hybrid Coral Reef® Recommended Containers: 4” to gallon containers Consumer use: Place in large succulent combination planters or rock gardens Crop Planning from cell pack: Pot Size Plants per pot (pp) Finish Time...

Begonia Rex Shadow King ®

Black Cherry Cherry Mint Cool White Lava Red Lava Red Pink Pink Rose Frost Wintergreen Spearmint Strawberry Sherbet Series: Begonia Rex Shadow King ® Recommended Containers: 4” to 8” pots, hanging baskets and mixed patio containers Consumer Uses: Hanging baskets,...