Lifestyle Plants™ is our selection of plants designed for the changing life-style needs of our customers.  Lifestyle Plants™ can be grown for outdoor seasonal color or as indoor house plants. Year round availability brings all new options for seasonal programs. There no boundaries to where we can bring color into our lives!

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First Light Perennials Logo

The First Light® Perennial program contains first year flowering varieties that require no cold treatment (vernalization) to flower and are day length neutral. The goal of First Light Perennials® is to offer perennials that can be programmed to flower as you would annual selections.  Schedule these selections to meet a desired week instead of waiting for the traditional photoperiod.  This will not only remove many weeks of crop time allowing for additional rotations, but also dramatically saves on labor as the crops are able to always be fresh.  

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First Light Perennials Logo

The continued advancement of the Green Fuse First Light® perennial program delivers another industry first! A complete program of zone hardy groundcovers that actually deliver color! Texture in foliage, intensity of season long blooms and habits that perform in a well-maintained aggression, the Endless Ground Color program not only changes the game, but literally the ground!

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Annual & Perennial Compatibles

The Green Fuse® Botanicals multiple variety annual mixes are not only striking in appearance but are appropriately named Compatibles® for their perfectly balanced performance. Compatibles® also feature a carefully selected color palette to complement any environment or holiday.  The Patio Collection brings predictable performance for patio containers with both upright and trialing cultivars.

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