- Pink
- Purple
- Rose
Crop Culture Report: Monarda Marje®
Monarda Marje® has a compact habit making it an ideal choice for quart and gallon production. Huge flowers in vibrant colors will catch attention on retail shelves. Strong mildew resistance increases the Summer sales window.
Production Seasons: Spring / Summer
Customer Use: Landscape / Perennial Gardens
Garden Height: 12 to 15 inches (30 to 38 cm) Garden Width: 30-38 (75 to 90 cm)
USDA Hardiness Zone: zone 5 – 10
Crop planning from cell packs:
Pot size: Plants per pot (pp) Crop Time (weeks)
4” pot (10 cm) 1 pp 5 to 7
6” pot/1 Gallon(15 cm) 1 pp 9 to 11
8” pot (20 cm) 1-3 pp 14 to 16
Finishing Culture:
pH: 5.8 – 6.2
Fertilizer Requirements: 125 to 150 ppm N using a balanced feed to maintain color of foliage. Include Micro element source as part of fertilizer solution. Ensure proper root growth for flowering by watching EC level and moisture levels. Utilize Calcium and Potassium based Nitrate fertilizers for best quality growth. Magnesium should be incorporated into your fertilizer programs.
Temperatures at 55°-60°F (115°C) Nights
60°-65°F (15° -18°C) Days
Vernalization: Although it is not required for flower initiation, Monarda Marje® will benefit from a cooling period of 6-8 weeks for uniform flowering. Hold plants below 44° F (7°C), but above freezing.
Light: 4,000 to 8,000 ft-candles -High to medium-high. Short -days creates vegetative growth, Long -days supports flower initiation. Maintain short days (less than 12 hours) until plant reaches 65% of desired growth / then place under long days (12 hours plus) for flower initiation. Mum night interruption lighting is possible to create long days.
Pinching Requirements: Pinch once established in finished container or in the liner before transplanting.
Growth Regulators: B-9 is the most economical PGR, spray at 2500PPM. Sumagic/ Concise at 3PPM will also achieve desired results.
Pests/Disease: Aphids, Leafminor and Whitefly. Mildew, Thielaviopsis, Botrytis, Rhizoctonia & Pythium are of primary concern. Preventative drenches / sprays are recommended for crop.